Program (#Digitization – Arbeitstagung 2014)

von | Apr. 30, 2020



Thursday, June 12, 2014
12:30Arrival & Check In
14:00Welcome   Opening addresses Oliver Huck, Dekan der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität
Manuel Heib, Marburg, The Commission ‚Digitization of Everyday Life’ in the German Society for Cultural Anthropology (dgv) Flashback: The 2. Working-Conference in Berlin
Sanna Schondelmayer, Berlin Follow-up: Introduction to „Digitization in Cultural Fields“
Gertraud Koch, Hamburg
15:00Keynote 1:
Nishant Shah, Bangalore: Remembering to Forget: Encounters with the digital self.
16:45Coffee Break
17:00Digital Hamburg and beyond: Local media productions in cultural fields
Details (pdf) >
19:30Commission Meeting „Digitalisierung im Alltag“ in der dgv
Friday, June 13, 2014
09:00Keynote 2:
Manfred Faßler, Frankfurt: Praktisch digital
10:30Workshop-Session 1
Workshop details (pdf) >
14:00Workshop-Session 2
Workshop details (pdf) >
16:30Coffee Break
17:00Panel discussion (in German)
Braucht die kulturanalytische Forschung neue Paradigmen?
(New paradigms for cultural research?)
Joan Kristin Bleicher, Klaus Schönberger, Estrid Sørensen, Heike Zinsmeister
Moderation: Gertraud Koch
19:30Conference Dinner
Saturday, June 14, 2014
09:30Keynote 3:
Costis Dallas, Toronto: Thing cultures, memory practices and digital curation
10:45Coffee Break
11:00Summing-up and Conclusion
Workshops and Key Notes

Workshops in English language:

  • When ethnography meets German media theory,
    Dr. Götz Bachmann, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
    Dr. Paula Bialski, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
  • Wie und was erzählen (mit) Geodaten? – What (to) do (with) geodata?,
    Dr. Ina Dietzsch, Basel (Bilingual WS)
  • Ethnography of digital infrastructures,
    Prof. Dr. Gertraud Koch, Hamburg
  • The Heuristic Potential and Limits of Program & Script,
    Dr. Carsten Ochs, Kassel
  • Digital Marx. Towards a Political Economy of Distributed Media,
    Dr. Andreas Wittel, Nottingham
  • Perception | Formation | Interaction: Perspectives for an Anthropology of the Medial,
    Dr. Alexander Schwinghammer, Weimar  

Workshops in German language:

  • Mash up Culture,
    Prof. Dr. Joan Kristin Bleicher, Hamburg
  • Wie und was erzählen (mit) Geodaten? – What (to) do (with) geodata?,
    Dr. Ina Dietzsch, Basel (Bilingual WS)
  • Medienweltliche Ethnografie,
    Dr. Ute Holfelder, Zürich
  • Persistenz und Rekombination als Modus des soziokulturellen Wandels,
    Prof. Dr. Klaus Schönberger, Zürich
  • Jede Kopie ein Original? Vom Sinn und Unsinn kultureller Identifizierungen,
    Dr. Christian Schönholz, Marburg

Digital Hamburg and beyond: Local media productions in cultural fields

  • efoto­hamburg: Bringing Big Data back to the citizens of Hamburg
    Mareike Höckendorff, Hamburg
  • Big Data as a daily challenge
    Dr. Julia Fleischhack, Zürich
  • „Kann das weg oder ist das Kulturerbe?“. Potentiale und Herausforderungen der Nutzereinbindung in einem Online-Portal zur Alltagskultur (PortAll Rheinland)
    Lina Franken
  • digiKultur (Altonaer Museum)
    Dr. Susanne Müller-Wusterwitz & NN, Hamburg

Organized by

Prof. Dr. Gertraud Koch and Dagmar Stapelfeld
in cooperation with the Commission for ‚Digitization of Everyday Life’ in the German Society for Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies and the
Institute for Folklore Studies /Cultural Anthropology, Hamburg

Location & Duration

The conference is going to take place at the

Institut für Volkskunde/Kulturanthropologie (Institute for Cultural Anthropology )
Universität Hamburg / University of Hamburg
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 – Flügelbau West (ESA W)
20146 Hamburg
How to get there

between Thursday 12th of June 14.00 and Saturday 14th of June 2014 12.30. You may check-in at the conference site starting 12.30 on Thursday 12th of June 2014. You are going to find us on the second floor in the right-hand-part of the building. All plenary sessions, including the opening addresses, are going to take place in room ESA W 221. The conference site is opposite Hamburg Dammtor-station. You have to calculate about 45 minutes to reach the conference site from Hamburg Airport and it takes about 15 minutes to get there from Hamburg Central Station/Hauptbahnhof.