Eckhardt, Dennis & Martina Klausner (Hgs.) (2023): Digital[ität] Ethnografieren. Forschungsmethoden für den digitalen Alltag. Kulturanthropologie Notizen Band 85. Gesamte Ausgabe: Eckhardt,...
Libuše Hannah Vepřek
Curating the Feed: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Digital Image Feeds and their Curatorial Assemblages
The key goal of the DFG-funded interdisciplinary research project “Curating the Feed” is to gain a better understanding of digital image feeds and their curatorial assemblages. The project asks how...
From the Era of the Witness to Digital Remembrance: New Media, Holocaust Sites and Changing Memory Practices
The DFG-funded research project “From the Era of the Witness to Digital Remembrance: New Media, Holocaust Sites and Changing Memory Practices” is an interdisciplinary and international collaboration...
Lehre im SoSe 2023
Christoph Bareither: Digitale Methodenwerkstatt (Bachelor/Master Seminar, Universität Tübingen) Christoph Bareither: Institutskolloquium: Digitale Anthropologie: Exemplarische Felder und...
Lehre im WiSe 2022/2023
Christoph Bareither: Social Media Cultures: Perspectives and Methods from Digital Anthropology (MA Seminar, Universität Tübingen) Lina Franken: Methoden digitaler Kulturwissenschaften (MA...
Publikationen 2023
Bareither, Christoph (2023): „Computergestützte ethnografische Datenanalyse (CEDA): Potenziale und methodische Affordanzen von QDA-Software in der ethnografischen Forschung.“ In: Hamburger Journal...