Embedded Digitalities (Arbeitstagung 2018)

von | Apr. 8, 2020


5-7 April 2018 in Basel, Switzerland

Conference on Digital Anthropology organized by the Section “Digitization in Everyday Life” of the German Association of Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies (dgv) together with the Swiss Association of Volkskunde (SGV)
Venue: Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, Basel University
Organisation: Ina Dietzsch, Sabine Eggmann

The working group “Digitization in Everyday Life” has held debates and organized several conferences on questions of digitization and digitality. Up until now discussions have been dominated by the exploration of a wide range of digital phenomena, emphasizing their specific dimensions and logics. However, given the fact that digital phenomena, processes and infrastructures play an important role in almost every aspect of everyday life, digitization is on its way to becoming a core issue in social and cultural anthropology. The conference “Embedded Digitalities” aims to consider this shift and therefore to focus on the digital” as a relational construction. It will draw its attention to the variety of ways in which digital media, technologies, ideologies and infrastructures are embedded in everyday life. It aims to encourage contributions that anthropologically reflection the embeddedness of the digital in social life in various ways. Focusing on the following questions, contributors are invited to discuss the social, economic, political, and cultural embeddedness of digital technologies and infrastructures based on different theoretical and methodological approaches. What is the relevance of the digital when entangled with specific situations during the research process? What kind of power structures are at play in specific research situations? What agency is provided or prevented? How is agency distributed or complicity generated?

Embedded Digitalities Plakat