Publikationen 2021

von | Juni 4, 2021

Bareither Christoph: Capture the Feeling: Memory Practices in-between the Emotional Affordances of Heritage Sites and Digital Media. In: Memory Studies 14 (2021), H.3: Special Issue: Locating „Placeless“ Memories: The Role of Place in Digital Constructions of Memory and Identity. Edited by Huw Halstead, S. 578-591 [Peer-Reviewed, Open Access].

Bareither Christoph: Curating Digital Images: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Affordances of Digital Images in Heritage and Museum Contexts (with Sharon Macdonald / Elke Greifeneder / Katharina Geis, Sarah Ullrich / Vera Hillebrand). In: International Journal for Digital Art History 82 (2021), H. 1, S. 82-99 [Open Access].

Bareither Christoph: Gefühlswissen gestalten: Digitale Kuratierpraktiken am „Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas“ in Berlin. In: Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie (HJK) 13 (2021), S. 349-361 [Open Access].

Rebecca Carlson, Ruth Dorothea Eggel, Lina Franken, Sarah Thanner, Libuše Hannah Vepřek (2021): Approaching code as process: Prototyping ethnographic methodologies. In: Kuckuck: Code 1/21, Online unter: https://www.kuckucknotizen.at/kuckuck/index.php/1-21-code/216-1-21-code-leseprobe

Dippel, Anne (2021): „Provi(de)ncial Visions for a more-than-human Anthropocene Including AI. A Response by Anne Dippel to the Two Previous Commentaries”. Arbor Ciencia, Prensiamento y Cultura Vol. 197-800, aprio-junio. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2021.800008. (Peer Review).

Dippel, Anne (2021): „Schwindel in der Digitale. Re/Visionen einer Kulturanalyse des Alltags“. In: Kuckuck. Notizen zur Alltagskultur. Themenheft „Code“, 6–10. (Editor Review).

Dippel, Anne (2021): „Ontological Opportunism. Re-animating the Inanimate in Physics and Science Communication at CERN”. Anthropological Journal for European Cultures 30, 27–51. (Peer Review).

Dippel, Anne (2021): „Spiel des Wissens. Ludische Annäherungen an digitale Arbeitswelten“. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde (Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft) 117, 5–24. (Peer Review).

Dippel, Anne (2021/2019): „’Metaphors We Live By’. Three Commentaries on Artificial Intelligence and the Human Condition”. In: Sudmann, Andreas (Hg.): The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence. Bielefeld: Transcript, 33–42. Ebenfalls erschienen in der Author-meets-Critic-Section von Arbor Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura 197/800. (Peer Review). https://arbor.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arbor/article/view/2426/3662.

Elster, Christian (2021): Pop-Musik sammeln. Zehn ethnografische Tracks zwischen Plattenladen und Streamingportal. Bielefeld 2021. (open access)

Kist, C., & Tran, Q.‑T. (2021): Breaking Boundaries, Creating Connectivities: Enabling Access to Digitized Museum Collections. In: M. Rauterberg (Ed.), Culture and Computing. Interactive Cultural Heritage and Arts: 9th International Conference, C&C 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021, Proceedings, Part I (pp. 406–422). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77411-0_26.

Krueckeberg, Jennifer (2021): Neoliberal Morality: Shame and Self-Improvement as Control over Young People’s Digital Productivity – Platypus: The Castac Blog.

Krueckeberg, Jennifer (2021): Youth and Algorithmic Memory: Co-producing Personal Memory on Instagram. In: Culture and Computing. Design Thinking and Cultural Computing.

Tischberger, Roman (2021): Wie wir coden wollen. Zum strategischen Umgang mit der Ressource Wissen in der Softwarearbeit. In: Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie (13) 2021 (= Welt. Wissen. Gestalten. 42. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde in Hamburg 2019), S. 139-149.

Tischberger, Roman (2021): Menschen ordnen Code. Zum Verhältnis von formalisierter Software und ihrer sozialen Herstellung. In: Kuckuck. Notizen zur Alltagskultur 1 (2021), S. 18–22.

Tran, Q.uoc-Tran (2021): „Working Things Out”: A Back-Stage Examination of Museum Documentation. In: Museums & Social Issues, 15(1-2), 39–53.

Tzouganatou, Angeliki; Krueckeberg, Jennifer (2021): From Monopolizing Memory to Co-Creating it: Openness and Equity in the Digital Ecosystem. In: AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.

Tzouganatou, Angeliki (2021): On complexity of GLAMs’ digital ecosystem: APIs as change makers for opening up knowledge. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference, Human Computer Interaction (HCII) 2021, 24-29 July, Washington DC, USA.